
RumorssuggestthatAppleisplanningtoredesignthehomescreenforiPadOS—aswellasupdatingthelockscreen,reportsBloomberg'sMarkGurman(reliability ...,iPadOS15isn'tbringingwindowedapps,butitdoesoffersomegreatnewmultitaskingfeaturesthatshouldhelpwithproductivityonthedevice.,iPadOS15isthethirdmajorreleaseoftheiPadOSoperatingsystemdevelopedbyAppleforitsiPadlineoftabletcomputers.,iPadOS15讓多工處理變得更加容...

Rumors begin to circulate for iOS 15 and iPadOS

Rumors suggest that Apple is planning to redesign the home screen for iPadOS — as well as updating the lock screen, reports Bloomberg's Mark Gurman (reliability ...

Apple iPadOS 15: Everything you need to know

iPadOS 15 isn't bringing windowed apps, but it does offer some great new multitasking features that should help with productivity on the device.

iPadOS 15

iPadOS 15 is the third major release of the iPadOS operating system developed by Apple for its iPad line of tablet computers.

關於iPadOS 15 更新

iPadOS 15 讓多工處理變得更加容易探索、更加容易使用且功能更為強大。現在可以將小工具放置在主畫面上的App 之間,「App 資料庫」讓您可以直接從Dock 取得所有的App ...

About iPadOS 15 Updates

iPadOS 15 makes multitasking easier to discover, easier to use, and more powerful. Widgets can now be placed among apps on your Home Screen and App Library ...

iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 Compatible Devices According to All Leaks ...

We Expect Apple to Drop Support for a Few Devices When iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 Comes Out Later this Year · Deal of the Day ...

iOS 15 is rumored to revamp notifications, iPadOS 15 to change the ...

With iOS 15, Apple is rumored to debut a new feature that will allow you to set different notification preferences depending on your current status.

The MacRumors Show

macOS 15 is also rumored to feature a redesigned Calculator app and enhanced Safari capabilities with an Intelligent Search option. ‌watchOS ...

iPadOS 15: Everything We Know

iPadOS 15 introduced a new Home Screen design with integrated widgets and the App Library, system-wide fast note-taking with Quick Note, new features for ...

According to you, what's next for iPadOS and the iPad in general?

I'm saying iPadOS will get something and it will be announced at WWDC. It can be something completely forgettable or something amazing or something in between; ...